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This project is a continuation of research performed at the University of Edinburgh in summer 2023, performed by fellow researchers, summer 2023


Project range: September 2023- December 2023


IxD Design project involving blending the experiences of a stand-up comedian and his audience in a pub. The research and personas were crafted by my peers while studying abroad at the University of Edinburgh.


Team: Luke Iannone

Summary of Research

Performed by fellow researchers in Scotland, the research involved a festival that spanned multiple days, with many performers from many backgrounds. During the festival, the researchers followed certain performers and artists to find human-centered user problems.


For one performer, a performer that performs in pubs, the researcher found that major issues these performers encounter are scheduling his acts and reserving a spot, and staying involved with the customers/audience.


This portion of the research was then given to me, and I was given the assignment of formulating a solution for the pub performer. The assignment was to create a storyboard for the proposed solution. Over the course of 10 weeks, my peers reviewed my storyboard/solution, and thus adjustments were made.


While not all 10 storyboard will be presented, as many of them are similar to each other, important storyboard will be shown.









Storyboard 1


The performer/Persona is named Austin. He is a stand-up comedian.


The first set was a set of 3 storyboards, each proposing a different solution. The first proposed using an online service to book appointments with pubs to reserve an act. The second was using an online forum to publicly ask if any pubs had open timeslots for his act.


The third storyboard was a concept that is rather impossible with today’s technology, but this storyboard was the one chosen by peers to move forward with. The mentioned storyboard begins on the next slide.

Storyboard 2


The performer/Persona is named Austin. He is a stand-up comedian.


Halfway through the 10 weeks, things began to formulate. A more fleshed-out storyboard was crafted, but not laid out like one. Instead, the images were shown with a summarized story on the left. This storyboard is also where a work-in-progress form of the final name comes from. This is what will be shown in the coming slide.


This storyboard was then reviewed by my peers, and the holographic idea was tossed out completely in favor for a more realistic idea.

Untitled presentation (15)-1.png

Storyboard 3


The performer/Persona is named Austin. He is a stand-up comedian.


Towards the end of the 10 weeks, a final form of the project was formulated and storyboarded. The holographic idea was changed to the usage of pub TV screens and the cell phones of the audience, where 2 way communication was possible between Austin, the performer, and the audience in the pub.


This final storyboard also finalized the name of the service as ‘FarPub.’

Continued Work

The final storyboard and the solution proposed have been taken by the University of Edinburgh/Napier and are being used to further the research in User Experience in Blended Experiences, blending the digital and physical worlds.

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